APEX Legends Online Gaming is dying?!

APEX LEGEND IS DYING? It’s been a few years since this epic shooter was released, and some may be wondering if Apex Legends is dying or if the craze has dried up. Despite being a strong contender as a battle royale game, Apex Legends still feels somewhat dwarfed by other more popular titles so let’s see for ourselves how alive it is.

Apex Legends was released at a time when popular BR games like PUBG and Fortnite were at their peak. They dominated the battle royale genre, and for good reason too. PUBG’s immense popularity as a realistic battle royale shooter seemingly breathed life back into the genre.

Along with that, Fortnite’s free-to-play nature and easy-to-pickup gameplay mechanics were something everybody enjoyed. Despite these hurdles, no, Apex Legends is not dying and seems to be growing every year according to player count statistics and overall viewership numbers.

Now, more than 3 years after its release, we come back to this slick shooting experience and see how well it’s doing. From a surprise release with 50,000,000 players in the first month to what it is now, let’s get into whether Apex Legends is dying.

Is Apex Legends Still Relevant?

Apex Legends sneaked onto the scene and was instantly picked up by shooting fans, streamers, and even professionals alike. It gave gamers a formula of a fantasy shooter that was backed by great design, good storytelling, and amazing gameplay.

However, while still being a popular BR title, it attracted players only to be left for the next big thing that came out. Granted, Valorant did the same formula of ability-driven characters fighting each other just in a more controlled competitive setting.

The factors that we took into consideration all focus on the growth, popularity, and overall stability of players. They undeniably tell the story of Apex Legends and outline its course from the moment it hit platforms. The factors are labeled particularly as such:

  • Viewership
  • Playerbase
  • Competitive Events
  • Game Updates

Now let’s jump straight into the topic at hand and see for ourselves what state Apex Legends is really in these days.

Apex Legends Viewership

Viewership of any particular video game is a great measure of how popular that game is. It indicates how many gamers actively enjoy watching that game being played, and the game itself. And with statistics from Twitch on hand, we can discuss if Apex Legends is dying or not.

Data and graphs showing viewership statistics for Apex Legends on Twitch.
Image via Streamcharts.com

When it was released, Twitch reported a staggering 200K+ average viewership on the silent yet successful launch of the game. Eventually, that number shrunk down to measly digits but has seen rises frequently over the years.

Currently, the average viewership resides at close to 60K, and peak views often cross the 250K, and 500K views mark respectively. A clear indication of the game’s popularity and stable interest amongst players worldwide.

Apex Legends Playerbase

The most important factor to be considered, since a lack of players on servers, is a tell-tale sign that not many people play it. We ascertained stats from specific sources because there’s no way to account for all players on all platforms collectively. Throughout its career, Apex Legends has hit 100 million active players which is a feat in itself.

According to Steamcharts.com, since the game came to Steam it has seen a constant rise in players. It had around 100K concurrent players back in November 2020 and has now hit an impressive all-time high of 510K concurrent players through Steam alone. Not even counting similarly impressive numbers on other platforms and launchers the game is played on.

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