
*The Netherlands Is The Worst Country in Europe. Here’s Why

Hello fellow travelers.
Today i'm going to tell you about a country that i didn't like.
Officially it is named The Netherlands but my experience was specifically
in the Holland region in the city of Amsterdam.
The country of holland is full of attractive people.
Many people would like to move there to find love because the Dutch are very
good-looking people. People claim that there are jobs there,
and that it's a very special country. I found out about this country online.
When I arrived in this country with my son, the very first day was snowy.
I stayed at Schiphol airport for the first night
because we landed late and security personnel mistreated us and were racist
towards us. Most people spoke Dutch, which is a very
hard language to learn. Some people also spoke English as a
secondary language, but it was broken English; therefore, it
was very hard to communicate with them.

I struggled, as the airport was the first
encounter I ever had with the Dutch. The next day
I went to my hotel, which by the way was very expensive.
I did not find any cheap hotels to stay at within the city of
Amsterdam. I spent too much money; after staying two months in Amsterdam, I
suffered so much. I wanted to leave and I ended up
completely broke. It was freezing there. There was too much snow and many
bicycles everywhere, because the Dutch culture
involves riding a bike everywhere, since the country is little.
The Netherlands being a car-free country, there are not many cars around.
As I said earlier the Dutch are very attractive people physically,
but they are very cold, and they will not socialize with you.
They will never talk to you out of the blue, instead they just show you a fake

The fact that they constantly said "Hallo Hallo Hallo" annoyed me so much and I didn't like
it at all. That's how they communicate so you move
out of their way, because they are commuting through the
city using bicycles. There are also railways for cable cars
on the streets with the buses and cars and bikes; all of
them using the same roads. I found it quite
unorganized. It is a very small city, beautiful and old-fashioned. But it is
full of canals and rivers, which I didn't like.
I suffered so much; I became depressed, since I spent so much money. I never even
found a job to sustain myself and I've been ripped off by two Dutch
Employment Agencies. Because they demand you meet so many
requirements to work, and it's a very closed country, you can't
work or have access to basic services as a
foreigner. If you are an american (I guess the same
principles applies to any non-european foreigner), you have zero possibilities of working in The Netherlands.
I lived in Amsterdam, and after doing so for a time,
there's nothing left for us.

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