
Camping in Heavy Rain – Pine Forest

oh welcome back everybody do another 
camping with Tony and Bruce so uh we're gonna Camp one night in the Pine Forest and I've got about 25 25 kilos 
of gear and drinks and all sorts   so I've gone from ultra light to 
ultra heavy just to mix it up a bit and it's a slog not for Brucie 
hey Bruce this is this is vertical oh carrying this much gear up 
a hill it's a nightmare okay   I'll bring you back at the camp spot I think Bruce this will do yep let's set it up here all right 
everyone I'm gonna get this pack off get the big camera out get everything 
to set up there's a storm coming I need to get a lot set up so let's do this oh all right everyone the rain is starting to come in 
we've got to get the tarp up pretty   urgently and I think Bruce wants his treat 
which is why he's sitting here hassling meat now I do have a rain jacket but I 
think it's just too hot to put on it's too too humid I'm sweating as it is if 
I put that on I'm going to sweat even more   okay so what we'll do is we'll give Bruce 
actually his dinner because it's his dinner time   so rather than a treat we'll just 
go straight into dinner I think which makes more sense for him because he's hungry aren't you Brucie oh and the rain is start to come down but I'm 
wearing I'm wearing a nylon shirt a fishing shirt so to be honest it sheds sheds the water pretty well wait Bruce and dries really quickly hang on Brucey so Bruce gets a mixture of Science Diet food and organic wet lamb and salmon   okay go on in Brucie oh you can probably 
see I'm soaked my back from sweat   okay let's get the top up so my plan is now 
the wind is swirling all over the place so   I'll have to deal with the wind afterwards just 
want to get some shield from the rain first foreign I've got a four by three meter tarp which will give us plenty of protection okay so I'll use my special guidelines that I pre-make if you've never seen these before it's a carabiner you know get this 
into Focus here a carabiner how old I'm   I've got a somehow get this to focus on what 
I'm looking at here yeah so it's a carabiner   attached to a clip here and another 
Carabiner at the other end you just   hook it around a tree and hook it 
onto the top okay so we're going to do we'll do length ways long foreign see how quickly I can get this done see the carabiners just make it so much easier okay then we just tighten them off foreign okay more this is looking promising so it's summer here in New Zealand just 
in case you're wondering it's February southern hemisphere yeah 
I've always got to say that you can hear the cicadas which definitely means summer is here all right so what we want to do is takes a while to get the top properly configured okay so I need to move it that way a bit okay I don't know if you could see 
Brucie there with his stick he's helping all right we're getting there oh yes check it out okay now secret 
weapon I've got a pole with me this is something that I've only just 
recently started doing on wild camps   it's bringing a pole along not seeing anyone else do it and 
I don't want to cut my own Pole   and in some places just not allowed to anyway okay so what I figure is this 
might not have enough cord to   hold the pole I'll tell you what we'll do I've got loads of guys I've got eight of them so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna Double Diet so this is a green elephant pole and 
this goes up to I think 2.5 meters   something like that I can't 
remember I'm pretty sure it is 2.5 so I want this long enough high enough that it pushes all the water 
to the back it might look like the water   is going to drain down to me but it's not 
there's a drainage path right behind there okay so I figure we'll push that up a bit more we can have a good Lookout and then what we'll probably 
do is guide the back down foreign so in case you're 
wondering why am I double guying it   is to keep the pole stable 
so it can't rock sideways you see look at that completely 
stable but I've got all this space   so I just need to tweak it a bit so I probably want this quite low at 
the back I've got it too high here okay you bring it down I need it to run off smoothly to the back here let's talk about yourselves and then I'll probably add 
one more guy in the middle to make sure it works and that 
all the water can drain off although that's looking pretty good like that okay 
how do we look oh yes look at that tons of space   all right and there's room to 
set the tent up at the back here there's a way the breeze is coming from 
all around there's just no way to fix it   okay let's get the tent set up 
Bruce what are you doing in my bag okay so for the tent I've 
got the hilleberg Nyack niac uh you know what let me give Bruce some 
water because his head is dinner now   you might need water there 
is no water up here at all some water give me his water okay so yeah hillberg and yak whatever that means all right so first things first just clear the ground sticks pine cones anything like that yeah that's good there's nothing there okay so this is a three season tent foreign my last wild camp and it was superb   I mean I didn't really put it to the test and 
this won't put it to the test either because I'm Undercover but it is 100 waterproof I have actually tested it in the rain 
at home that does a pretty good good job okay so just stake out the floor all right so we're due for quite a bit of rain I think the forecast said 
something like two inches tonight we'll see but mainly I think it's the wind 
you've got to worry about okay poles okay so make sure the poles are seated correctly okay it's one I don't know where Bruce is where are you Brucey oops oh there you are right next to me okay oh no Peg uh it's chucking down wow this ground is just so crap okay ah wow it just suddenly started pelting down right I don't think I'm 
going to bother with the guys or the vestibule so I'll tie these back now I've got some pooling behind so 
hang on I've got to fix that with a guy and a peg just thought that might happen so one 
peg and one guy we'll sort that out foreign s great success look at that 
I've got a water source now and this top has been cleaned 
so you can collect water from it but look at that so what I might do is just 
make sure this channel is definitely sorted   but to be honest the ground is so absorbent 
it doesn't really go anywhere near the tent oh and I need to guide the back 
of the tent out I didn't do that wind up pussy wind out move Bruce good boy 
okay there you go right I need to just put   out that guy at the bottom there at the 
back of the tent that's for ventilation it's all right for Brucie he's tiny 
he can just walk under the guys all right this is my last guideline oh why am I I don't need a guy like comes 
with a guy I was just being stupid there you go perfect all right we're looking good everything is 
flowing back it's then draining off to that   little ditch on the side there I don't 
think we'll get any pooling looks good awesome I mean I could if I wanted to lower this right 
end and just have it all go straight off the edge   should I do that why don't I do that saved me a ton of hassle later 
if I decide to do it then how's that Okay so anything that falls on the other side 
of the tent is going straight off the side   it's a lot less coming on this side perfect okay   let's get back to it oh hang on let 
me just check everything's tight yeah I think we're looking good foreign oh okay where was I oh my back is soaked now 
I need it to dry off thank God it's not cold I do have a spare top just in case 
but this will dry really quickly okay so this door might 
provide some wind protection uh maybe not I think we're looking good okay so let's 
just check that the guys are taught obviously make sure you've got a 
really strong tart before doing that reinforced guy reinforced 
points and everything else   we're good all right I can get the rest 
of my gear out now and I've got loads all right food plates cup my food is in a cool bag so this pack is uh 110 liters 
it's huge all right spare clothes boost out of there out 
you've had your dinner cheeky okay pillow so the the bathtub floor on this is really high 
it's got great ventilation all the way around   I'll show you later but the floor look at the 
back there the floor is about eight inches up   the solid waterproof floor it's incredible   okay hoodie Bruce's towel very important 
for later my sleeping bag ah table Bruce's bed chat frying pan mattress my pad okay nothing else in there got my Kettle I've got loads of water I 
think I've got three liters of water with me alcohol stove spare alcohol toilet paper ouch pouch and the lantern and I've got my camera gear in 
here that's about everything oh okay what can I hang the lantern if that'll work don't lose that foreign okay oh all right let's get the 
chair set up so I can chill out I've got just enough Headroom here so this is the helinox my new lightweight 
chair I think it's the zero high back so light oh come here oh yeah okay so let's put Bruce's Bowl 
just where it can collect some water yep it's going in okay ah okay table uh well I'm missing here foreign awesome look at that that's stable enough kind of okay let's put all our bags in the temp bag keep it tidy campsite oh so what else have I got oh I've got my 
pad inflator as well which I'm going   to need because that's my light 
inside the tent and my headlamp and my GoPro okay now we're cooking look at this what a neat camp okay more food wow this rain I told you it's gonna rain or actually 
let's just do that directly on there so I've got an alcohol burner with me like a mini Transit the reason I don't I haven't 
bought the big transa for a couple of camps now   is it just takes up so much room in the pack so much room and it's kind of annoying kettle cutlery actually that will be good 
stop it from in case it spills oh man and that's Percy's food ah 
hey Brucey oh you're soaked wow it is coming down it's great this is what you all want it's almost deafening but I tell you what it's 
great because there's no wind at the moment   let me bring you in closer all right how's that is that better oh and breathe I hope you can hear me over this rain Okay so this side is flapping quite 
a lot because of the wind I'm wondering if I guy that if I guide this 
side of the top down it might stop it flapping   and flicking all this water everywhere 
so I can just guide that to the tree and that yeah that should 
put enough pressure on it   that'll stop this annoying flapping it's just 
because the direction of the wind the other   side is not doing it as much because it's 
more connected to the tent so let's do this so it's just this bit here I could just loosely connect it to this tree here Road there let's do the site okay that's enough and I'm never going to get dry foreign 
yeah that's better now it's not doing it   oh I am never gonna dry out all right you know 
what I definitely need a beer oh it's so urgent oh yeah you've had your dinner Brucie come on now you're being cheeky what am 
I having this is a cassels nectar on IPA you're gonna come and lie 
down you're gonna lay down   out of the rain cheers everybody thanks for coming oh that's so good that first 
one I really had to go oh wow so I've still got a little while to wait until I 
put my dinner on it's just a bit too early I've   got about just under an hour so what I might do 
is bring you all back when I'm ready to do dinner cheers everyone foreign so I've done some modifications to the top 
and the tent hang on Bruce your soaked go   and sit over there done some modifications um 
I've brought the whole tarp down at the front   and the raised it slightly at the back Bruce 
come and lie down come on come and lie down   lie down it's because I'm talking to the camera 
um also I've moved the tent this way a bit it   wasn't scented and it was bugging me because it 
was off to one side so now it's more centered   the reason I bought the tarp down was the wind 
was coming through and it was so high the top   that it was just springing spray through suddenly 
so I needed to lower it that's what I've done it's   much more cozy now um but I got drenched doing 
it I can't be bothered to put my rain jacket   on because I'll be putting it on and off and on 
and off hopefully this shirt just dries quickly ah so on that note I think it's 
time for me to do my own dinner yep so let's get that sorted so I'm 
actually sitting on Bruce's towel   to soak up some of the moisture from my back 
and tell you what this chair this henna Knox high back it is comfy but it's a bit it's a bit 
wonky I don't know why I think it's just this   bottom bit moves a lot it's got this venting 
at the bottom so it does move around a lot holy moly wow excellent I don't know if the camera is going to pick 
any of this up it's just bucketing down okay let's get dinner on Bruce is very excited 
about it aren't you Brucie hey are you excited   you're excited okay so it's a bit finicky this thing I don't want to bring you in too close to 
look at this because I want you to feel   the ambience of the rain and I'm sure 
you're seeing it bouncing off of the   umbrella and if you can see Bruce 
then I'm sure you'll see he's pouncing I don't think you can see him 
so he's over here pouncing at   the Shadow from the light it's trees triggered okay let's see if this light's first time alcohol is a bugger to light sometimes oh here we go okay perfect so what's for dinner well first things first let's 
get my phone out the way of that   okay so for dinner we've got no Bruce 
you've had your dinner this is my dinner I'm confusing in there with the word dinner so for dinner we're doing Burgers 
now now I've had a lot of comments about oh have you given up on Burgers no no 
they're my favorite always will be if that is   just not going to change now my foot my burgers 
are a bit Frozen these are going to take a while oh and that is why I have this titanium pan here oh man look we've got a fire foreign 's on fire everything's on the 
floor that was a complete cock up ow   so I wonder what the temperature 
rating for this table is oh man how did I do that   how many times have I done something like that 
this is why by the way you don't use alcohol for   alcohol stoves in a tent because that happens okay 
so the problem there is it's such a small base that it tips over so I'm gonna have to really watch this to make sure that doesn't happen again   oh you know what the problem was I didn't have 
it fully open damn it it's always something is it just me maybe it is no one else ever have these issues okay now let's hope that's not 
melting the table no it's not all right should we try again gosh this base is crap there we go holy moly so the the alcohol has gone everywhere that's 
why it's just there's so much flame we just got   to wait for that to die down it's got to burn off 
everything that's in that titanium plate so I put   a titanium plate underneath it just to catch any 
spent fuel and boy that was a good job I did oh such a klutz all right what 
else is going in here onion oh do as I say not as I do I never professed to being the expert at anything this is going to be a real bugger to cook on you 
know what it was this exact pan that I spilled   everything last time but look at this I've 
got this Gerber thing that turns into tongs and we've got some sizzling going on it would probably help if the table was level 
which it isn't that's not going to help either okay these are going to take ages to 
cook because they're partly Frozen and I'm gonna have to refill that 
fuel now because I spilled loads yeah all right I'll let the fuel run 
out or do I top it up and light it again I'm going to top it up and light it again let's 
see if I can blow it out without causing commotion nope impossible I've got to let it blow 
out I've got to let it go out oh hang   on I've got no I've got a damper wait all 
is not lost let's see if this thing works   yay it does okay should we try again 
no Bruce I know what you're thinking no oh come on if this is the first time you've seen 
my channel then um yeah this is pretty normal yeah there's this is pretty normal 
for me I drop stuff all the time see look at that the chair is so wonky   I don't know if this chair can take 
my weight properly it must be able to I'm 90 kilos that's that's not a lot all right hey the table is good it lasted 
it didn't melt that's a good thing that's our Flame see look that's much better now okay I've just got to be a 
bit more careful with this obviously it's a bit sensitive okay come on let's cook it's sizzling so it's a dead giveaway every 
time I move the camera just to   give you another angle obviously 
I'm going to come back a bit wet oh now I'm a righty not a lefty so using 
tongs with my left hand doesn't work oh it smells good the onions 
smell good the burgers smell great all right it's a bit more careful this time there we go just got to be careful so the heaviest of the rain hasn't even come yet the heaviest isn't due for another 
oh three hours around bedtime that's when it's absolutely mannered shut down and now I've lit this this is giving off a lot 
of heat it's suddenly got super warm under here it's not amazing I've brought the whole thing 
down lit this and now it's really really warm   I'm actually suddenly I'm quite toasty great success okay these are going to take 
ages so I'll bring you back when I'm pretty much done and they're ready to go okay welcome back everybody my 
burgers are pretty much ready   so what I need to do now is toast the Buns I made a little sort of wind deflector here 
with the foil I put some cheese on so they're   cheeseburgers I don't know if I need to shout or 
not it's just so loud the rain yeah this little   Gerber tool is quite handy actually this they 
turn into tongs when you connect them I should   have got this a long time ago and I'd seen it as 
well I just thought it was a bit of a gimmick but   actually yeah so I've got cheese on the onions 
are done burgers are done so let's get the Buns on I don't know if I mentioned before 
I've put my jacket on because the wind was blowing through and it was grim 
that's why it is grim temperatures dropped a bit and when the wind comes through it just 
cuts through you and I was a bit damp   so just putting this one layer 
on this wind this rain jacket on   instantly warm just instantly no insulation 
needed when it's fairly mild like this so I've got the lights on so he's going to be 
off doing his own thing chasing the Shadows   as you know it's what he loves to do okay so these buns shouldn't 
take long to toast Bruce no no   go away don't go anywhere near this Flame I make enough errors as it is I 
don't need you making them as well   let's try and get some of this 
fat into the Buns to cook them just toast the bottom Parts a bit   oh I'm so excited about this I 
do love Burgers I got a comment   because I mentioned about doing MRE camps does 
that mean I'm no more burgers or pancakes oh no   no that I'll never stop doing them 
I'm just doing other things that's all   as well but I'll always come back to doing those oh look at that okay let's get the tops on yeah you see the thing with the transaction 
is it's windproof all the way around there's   these little mini things aren't so 
you've got to have a wind deflector   I do have one I just I forget all the time to 
bring it so that's I got the foil and I just   made one it made a huge difference just got up to 
temperature immediately I put the foil around it oops wind just uh sucks the life 
out of the flame in the heat oh I'm making a mess oh my mouth is watering and he's had his so he doesn't get it we at 
home we don't eat at the same time at all ever   it's a family thing he he eats by himself with 
with Bruno they have their their D we have ours so   you can't have any of this it's all got 
onions in and stuff like it's all toxic to him   he's fine he's had his diet for the 
night and he you know he is on a diet   because he's older now oh that's good 
oh you know what I need tomato ketchup well I might as well put more on 
what am I doing what am I going   to do with the tomato ketchup that's 
left over I wasn't thinking straight Camp brain one two perfect let's put that flame out and check this out in the 
rain perfect cheeseburgers I can't if I don't put my face in the camera 
doesn't focus on them perfect cheeseburgers yum excuse the Hat okay Bon Appetit everybody I need this oh wow I think this is the best 
burger I've done out here yet wow just oh um wow that's so good I knew my other beer this is casell's again it's 
a double cream milk stout this is a proper beer it's from New Zealand wow this is 8.1 percent lovely beer I love Stouts oh yeah caramel cheers everybody oh that's delicious comes the rain heavier um you know what it is I switched to a different type of burger and there's so much better and that combination of cheese 
onion and tomato ketchup   you know burgers they're a complete meal 
they're a complete food they really are I own these Burgers today thank you so good so to those who are worried that I was going to stop doing real food it's never going to happen don't worry 
about it I'm always going to have real   food just occasionally I'm gonna 
try these MREs just to mix it up wow what a great evening I'm bone dry really well the only reason I'm getting 
wet is doing the camera pardon me if it wasn't for filming once I got the 
top up there was no reason to go outside it again gosh I might have eaten those Burgers too quickly I mean look at it look at my shelter it 
is it's not going anywhere it's so solid   and we've had some gusts of wind before there's 
nothing moved and the fact that this pole is here   double guide it's keeping the ridge oh and what 
I've done at the back of the tent I don't know if   you can see it there's a stick at the back I found 
a stick I've stood it upright but I've attached   the guide to that so I've lifted the back up 
slightly you can see it's not on the tent anymore and that's adding some stability at the back it's 
lifted it so I'm getting this perfect A-frame   like when I'm camping in the snow I'm sorry 
if I'm shouting it's just this rain is so loud   all right everyone I'm going to clean up a bit he's where are you Brucey oh there you are he's 
hunkered down in the uh in the the part the   what do you call them the ferns he loves it 
down there um he knows this spot very well and   he's looking for goats he's the thing about 
lying under the top is he loses his hearing   so he can't hear what's going on he's just gone 
past he can't hear any animals or anything else   so he prefers to lie outside of the top in 
the rain He makes himself a little warm nest   a bed I don't know if you can see him and 
in the ferns and he just watches alert   he won't come in until it's 
time for bed he doesn't care   he loves this spot it's his safe spot he 
knows this spot very well we only live   10 minutes away so he knows it very well 
right I'll bring you back for cigar time ah welcome back everybody down okay so cigar time I'm 
gonna put hot chocolate on I'm   also getting my beer at the same time 
hot chocolate and beer cannot go wrong um now the question is what 
have I done with my lighter oh thanks Bruce sorry about this okay found it I hope the microphone is 
picking this up it is loud all right we're good cigar so today we've got a Monte Cristo number four yum now people have commented before that 
Bruce doesn't like scar smoke and that's   why it goes away it's not you'll notice 
he goes away whenever I start talking   it's nothing to do with that if I had food right 
here he wouldn't care about scar smoke at all not much phases him to be honest the 
only thing Bruce doesn't like is gun   gunfire and thunder those sorts of things 
auditory stuff he gets pretty freaked out   in fact in this spot last time I think I was 
here there was some gunfire some shooting and oh he was so scared oh he doesn't like possum   sound either but even if I say 
the word possum he doesn't like it and for those who are concerned about my health   cheers everybody I only drink and have a smoke 
at camping that's it I don't do this at home so please don't be concerned 
these are this is a treat for me ah see he doesn't care about the smoke he's just 
going nuts about the lights right so cigar time   let's see ah first up all the thank yous I want to say thank you 
to everyone and I'll list your names up here   I want to say thank you to everyone who has 
bought us um treats on buy me a   um that's bought merch like you know caps and   hoodies and shirts and stickers and mugs things 
like that thank you so much all of our YouTube   members who click the join button thank you so 
much to you as well and everyone who does Super   thanks on comments I see them all I say thank you 
look thank you so much all of this goes through be   careful Bruce hey hey stop stop careful there's 
flat out you're gonna take the whole thing down it's chucking down he's in the rain he loves it 
yeah thank you so much everybody um it means a   lot to us the whole family and it all goes back 
into the Channel all of it so it all goes to the   equipment camera equipment tents I've always got 
new tents Tarts and more ordering stuff off Amazon   um goes for treats for Bruce special food for 
Bruce yeah we make the most of it honestly but it doesn't just go into some bank 
account and stay there it gets spent   on things for the channel so we 
can keep doing this and it just   makes it more worthwhile to do so 
we really appreciate that thank you um so what's been going on oh so this video 
is going to come out in a few weeks it's   usually I do my videos Almost like a day um like a couple of days before 
they're going to come out   I just need to get my hot chocolate 
out hang on yeah usually they come   out a couple of days this time this is 
going to come out a few weeks from now so maybe three weeks from now yeah three weeks 
I'd say because there's another video that I've   just done that hasn't come out yet and so this 
news and my cigar time chat could be a little   bit old old news so it'll be interesting to 
see if I make any predictions or anything if   any of them come true or what the state 
of play is so saying all of that today in the states they just shot down the balloon now it is a Chinese balloon they've admitted it's   theirs so I'll say the Chinese 
blue they just shot it down other than that I know nothing 
so it'll be interesting because   this will now be three weeks 
it'll be interesting to see   what actually happened was it a spy 
satellite or was it a weather satellite um to China protest about it do they get all uppity 
and upset that they've been accused of something   uh does Biden get grilled and 
mocked for not acting sooner   does this cause complete outrage uproar I mean 
does it cause war with China I don't know I just   don't know did China get a big ticking off who 
knows haven't got a clue it'll be interesting to   see in three weeks so you could say in all 
the comments that didn't happen I honestly   don't know what's gonna happen so that will 
be fun but I tell you what wow F-22 Raptor   I still think that's the best fighter 
plane in the world I think it's better   than the F-35 I know they're built for 
different things but F-22 Raptor is wow   such a weapon it really is an amazing machine 
why they shot it with a missile the balloon I'm sure again this will all be questioned but why 
didn't they use a bullet from the onboard Cannon now you might not have heard 
that but that's Bruce barking either he saw something or he thinks he saw   something he might have seen a goat 
but he doesn't usually bark at Goats but anyway he's just warning them and warning 
me that whatever it is he's seen something don't   forget we have no Bears Lions or anything else 
there's nothing dangerous no Predators whatsoever   in New Zealand uh just people yeah F-22 Raptor 
why didn't they use the cannon they've got a 20   millimeter cannon on board you know the cannon so 
20 millimeter bullets why didn't they just shoot a   couple of those into the balloon then just let it 
float down slowly why did they shoot that missile   to it now that's the last I saw of it the shot 
the missile into it and it came plummeting down   pretty fast it looked like um seems like a 
waste of a 380 000 missile if you ask me when   they could have just shot it with the cannon I 
don't know I'm sure they did their assessment I don't know seems a bit weird   anyway be interesting to see what the 
outcome of that is ah we have boiled this heat exchange Kettle amazing it boils so 
quickly so much faster than the traditional   Transit kettle amazing what is it again fire 
Maple I'll put a link to it I got it on Amazon   the the heat exchanger technology I 
wish tranja would adopt it underneath   here this thing it just means 
everything Cooks so much faster and that double that all blowing away okay anyway yeah so Chinese blue whatever I 
don't know what's gonna happen be interesting China will probably say something along 
the lines that America is overreacting   or the world is overreacting I don't 
think so gotta defend your airspace you can rest assured if this was an 
American Balloon flying over China   oh could you imagine the complaints 
The Whining it would be epic epic so   hypocrites and when I say China you know I always 
have to say this I don't mean the Chinese people   it's not them it's the CCP it's not the Chinese 
people I know a lot of Chinese citizens and   they're lovely and a lot of them want nothing to 
do with the Communist party and would probably be   quite happy without them so Brucey what were 
you barking at so anyway that's what I mean so TV things I've been watching 
what's back mayor of Kingstown is back   um that's on Prime brilliant really 
brilliant I love that mayor of Kingstown   um Happy Valley this is a British cop show 
but for it to make sense you've got to watch   it from the first season first episode to really 
understand I think if you're American you might   struggle with the accent it's a northern 
England accent could be a bit tough for you some of their sayings and expressions but I would recommend it you know 
Britain does superb dramas really   does cop shows some of the best um very 
very good so Happy Valley it's very good   um oh on Netflix welcome to wrexham so welcome 
to rexham is uh it's about wrexham Football Club   again in the UK it's in Wales actually and um it's 
a struggling Club in a very low League it's not in   the top League or the second league or the third 
League it's like fourth or fifth League anyway um it came to news because it was sort of for sale   and Ryan Reynolds and this other like you 
know what I don't know who this other guy   is that partnered with him someone from La he's 
an actor he's been in something I've never heard   of it and everyone I speak to has never heard 
of it I think he's only known in the US anyway   they uh they bought the club wrexham they invested 
loads of money they've got lots of sponsorship   and it's the story of them trying to then build 
this wrexham franchise up into a proper good   team that then climbs the ladder anyway it's a 
brilliant show so please watch that welcome to   rexham it's great and it shows a great crowd great 
bunch of people and it shows the sport at its best   um and the passion about football and how 
passionate people are about it or soccer and   in the states so welcome to wrexham and 
another show on Apple TV is shrinking just   come out very good very funny I like it it's good   but the one that we've all been waiting for comes 
out on Prime on February the 10th so I guess   by the time this video comes out we'll already 
have been out is second season of Clarkson's Farm now personally speaking as far as I'm 
concerned Clarkson's Farm is the best TV show   that there is and has been for 
a few years if you like Clarkson see it's quite happily sitting here now sat is 
barking he's done his thing he's run his dinner   now he's here preening himself 
sitting here under the top quite happy   if you like Jeremy Clarkson then 
you will love parkson's Farm he got into a bit of trouble lately regarding Meghan Markle of course he did God 
I'm sick to death of that couple I really am   I'm sorry but if you're a supporter of them 
that's fine you can love them all you want this   is just my personal opinion um actually you know 
what I don't actually care about Meghan Markle   I thought I don't really know her I couldn't 
care less she means nothing to me Harry though look as someone from England um that grew up with the royal family and 
Princess Diana and going through all of that oh I just feel that Harry is just he's 
delusional there's something wrong with   him you know he's had this regressive 
therapy and it's triggered all this   stuff in him and you know who pushed him to 
have that therapy don't you Meghan Markle and so many of the stories in his book 
are fake they're just lies either he is   misremembering because the details are so wrong 
like it's been proven on so many of them that he   wasn't even where he said he was when he said 
he was like his grandmother's funeral but when   he found out the grandmother died he was on 
a skiing holiday and he said he was there so a lot of it is totaled BS don't get 
suckered into it don't get suckered   into what he says he's just trying to 
do one thing and she's trying to do one   thing and that's get as much attention 
and make as much money as possible and   if necessary bring down the royal family to 
do it he'd probably rather not bring it down   but she said to him we can be billionaires so 
we should just be billionaires let's do what we   can to be billionaires and if that means 
taking down the royal family let's do it   I consider him a traitor I mean he honestly he is 
not welcome back in the UK he is so dislike there   I don't think there's any Security in the world 
that could be bothered to protect him the police   won't so yeah he's made his bed and boohoo poor 
little rich prince really why should we feel   sorry for him he's worth like what 100 million 
dollars already plus all the money he got from   being a royal all the entitlement everyone just 
bending over backwards for him Elton John saying   here's my jet use it whenever you want I'll boohoo 
poor Prince Harry said such a tough life William   used to bully me boohoo get over it God makes me 
vomit he really does hopefully that's my only rant anyway yeah Clarkson said something 
not very nice about Meghan Markle   and he got in trouble for it and so 
hopefully that's over and done with now the next topic again don't forget this is three 
weeks later than when I'm talking about it so   who knows what's happening between so don't jump 
on the comments go no no no no this has happened   so this is three weeks ago um for you now watching this video it's three 
weeks ago maybe even longer because people don't   watch this straight away so it could be six months 
before lineup chat gbt GPT if you don't know what   that is Google it it's an artificial intelligence 
engine that um is designed and programmed to   capture information from around the world the 
internet and news sources and everything else   and then uses not official engine and artificial 
engine and algorithm to create responses to   questions anyway it's been put through the ringer 
because it seems to be very very left wing now   I don't know if that's actually true I don't 
know if it's that it's a very left wing   or if it's that the majority of the media and   information that's available on the web 
is very left wing and I mean Ultra left it's not that intelligent it's artificial 
intelligence but it's not that intelligent   to be honest it's if it can be manipulated that 
easily and it just sides with the majority of   views out there then um and it doesn't even try 
and think in the minority then yeah clearly it's   got some issues and they've got to iron 
those out but um I would be very wary of   believing any of the hype about it right 
now it's just too early it's still in beta   but people are playing with it going oh it's left 
wing I don't know that it is I think it's just   flawed it's a flawed product and it's got a lot 
of work still required on it that's what I think I don't think there's some giant left-wing 
conspiracy with the chat GPT and the programmers   I think it's just a flawed product and I think 
that the developers of it I haven't mastered it   yet and it's so early and um yeah just hope that 
that thing has nothing to do with driving your car I put a question to it if you're driving along and 
um a young girl runs out into the middle of the   road in front of you do you a swerve to avoid 
the young girl knowing you're going to hit a   mother pushing a pram with a baby in it or do you 
see you see that there's a mother with a pram and   make the decision to just try and break and maybe 
hit the goal and anyway the engine chat GPT came   back and said morally blah blah blah the right 
thing to do would be to save the girl what kill   the mother and the baby but that's what it said so 
can you imagine this artificial intelligence when   you've written this full self-drive Vehicles like 
the Teslas or whatever it makes those decisions   the ethical thing would be to save the girl 
just kill the other person that's what it does of course the correct answer should be little 
girl shouldn't be running across the road the reason I asked it that question was real life 
experience of a little girl running out in front   of my car and I had to Swerve to avoid it and I 
headed straight towards a bus lane of passengers   queuing for the bus I managed 
to miss them as well but oh boy   um New Zealand you know what I've just 
realized is more and more companies don't   ship to New Zealand you know why because the 
pre the government labor government under   Jacinda ardern instigated a rule where overseas 
companies now had to collect GST that's the sale   of tax before stuff is shipped to New Zealand 
so most of the companies just said no forget   that we're not doing that nowhere else makes 
us do that so we just won't ship to New Zealand   so now it's even harder to get things in New 
Zealand because of what they've done genius   move so if you live here then you'll then you 
wonder why won't people send stuff here that's why um what's coming up oh Brandon's 
18th birthday is coming up   um and he and I so his birthday's on the 9th of 
Feb but my birthday's on the 17th and he wanted   to go out with me uh to celebrate his 18th go 
drinking so we're going to do that in Auckland   we're going up on the 18th into Auckland uh 
with my nephew Luke and yep Sam Brandon uh we're   gonna go and hit the bars and we've got matching 
shirts and we're gonna have a great evening so I'm   looking forward to that that would be good fun 
that's happening February the 18th so that will   have already happened by the time this video comes 
out hopefully we didn't get arrested or anything   another question I'm getting is um actually 
what I'll do is I'll answer this in Reverse so   again we're coming to several countries 
myself Ann and Brandon coming to Singapore   um coming to the UK Spain and then Anna myself 
for coming to the us and this is all happening uh   uh April May so sign up for the mailing list 
I'll put the link on the screen somewhere here   there wherever go to the website and key 
in your email address and sign up to get   a notification of when we're going to do 
our meet and greets at whatever bar Pub on   whatever evening it's also a great way to get 
notified of when new videos come out as well I'm really looking forward to meeting people and 
so I think in the U.S in the UK I think we'll be   somewhere in Essex for a bit London and we'll be 
going up north near Manchester I think ormskirk and then in the U.S because we're time constrained 
and this is all we could do and we're seeing   friends we're in New York la and Las Vegas so 
hopefully we'll see some people there it'll be   great fun and that leads me to the next question 
people people have been asking me who's looking   after Bruce and Bruno while we're away well we 
will have house sitters for a while but after that   um they're going to the boarding kennels 
that we know they Bruce has been going to   for years and she's lovely the lady who runs 
it he gets to run around he gets to play and   this time he'll be with Bruno as well so 
they'll be in the same heated little pen   their own little room but it's got a 
field and she really looks after them   and he wags his towel and he pulls the lead 
to get in there so he has a great time when   he's there gets the Bay play it's play time 
the whole time so that's what's happening um and Bruno won't mind because he'll 
be with with Bruce other than that hi chat nothing too outrageous I 
think Harry and Megan was the most   and look no politics oh no I did I mentioned 
about the labor government making that decision   about New Zealand other than that no politics and 
the Chinese balloon okay they're with politics unavoidable sorry can't help it it's so loud I think I've just shouted my 
entire way through cigar time but it's just because a rain on the top is so loud   if you've never experienced it rain in a tent 
it's deafening like you need earplugs almost and this is just getting heavier 
and heavier I don't know if you   can see raindrops in front of the camera or not anyway thanks again everyone for 
coming and kick back enjoy the   rest of my beer and my hot chocolate and 
my cigar and bring you back for bedtime cheers everyone foreign welcome back everybody it's bedtime all tucked 
in it got actually pretty chilly uh towards the   end there and uh I ended up putting on my hoodie 
on top of my raincoat so underneath my raincoat   um and then sitting inside 
the tent with the chair inside   because the temperature 
suddenly dropped um Bruce is in hey juicy he's on his bed he is soaking wet you 
can see I've dried him with the towel the special   microfiber towel really sucked it up so he'll 
start dreaming himself soon when he realizes   it's bedtime but he's tired he's worn himself 
out look at him he's absolutely worn himself out   he's been running around like crazy absolute 
Nutter let me just adjust this hold on um hold on where is it there it is yeah so that was a brilliant meal oh those burgers 
were fantastic beers were fantastic I had   some biscuits afterwards oh it was lovely 
brilliant cigar this has been a fantastic   evening as you can probably hear it's 
steady rain I think the worst of it is done but it's just it's raining Non-Stop and the drops always seem louder because we're 
under the trees so we're under the pine trees this is meant to go on until just early 
morning like this but the worst of it has   done it really excuse me it really chucked 
down at one point when we were on camera   um so in here so I've got the door open 
a bit I've got the outer door closed   thank you and connected to the peg and I've got my pack sitting on my uh 
my chair out there and all my food here   um but even with this full mesh 
liner so everything in here is mesh   the entire inner is just mesh it's pretty 
warm in here it's in fact it's very warm too   warm I got a feeling I'm gonna be pushing 
this this quilt off all through the night   and Bruce is very warm under greasy oh 
you're so tired he's gonna have a great sleep well he's really worn himself out can't 
believe how tired he is his eyes are droopy lovely isn't that tongue sticking out 
for things like kisses so I'll probably   take that towel off him once it dries out 
a bit I just don't want to get my quilt wet so yeah here's what it is right everyone 
unless something major happens in the   middle of night which I doubt it will 
oh I'll bring you back in the morning   thanks again for coming everybody see you 
in the morning good night good night Breezy not everybody uh welcome back well it's about 20 
minutes later and there was just this loud   thud and something hitting hitting the 
tent anyway it's the stick that I set up   looks like the peg came out the ground um so the question is can I be bothered to 
go and fix it it was creating the ridge so that's Fallen um which means the top is now instead of up 
it's down which means the water will just be   coming out the back here but the rain has died 
right down so I don't think it's a big deal so   I'm just gonna leave it I'm not gonna go out there 
and deal with that now no there's nowhere that for   it to pull the water will all just run off because 
it's higher at that end so I'm just gonna leave it yeah should have double pegged up because 
it was hard ground and the peg obviously   wasn't improperly oh well you live and learn 
all right see you in the morning everyone morning everyone morning oh I slept in oh good morning yep slept in oh it was comfy on everything it rained until oh 
only so like an hour ago and now the sun's out ah comfy night but boy did that 
rain get heavy in the night   and I had to get up and get out and fix that 
pole because it was annoying me I couldn't   sleep knowing it was like that all right I've 
got to let Bruce Lee out let him out to pee hang on wait wait wait what a lovely morning right gotta get up get coffee on bring it back welcome back everybody It's a beautiful morning sun is shining the cicadas are making tons of noise as you 
can probably hear Bruce wants his breakfast oh and everything is all over the place no 
need for the camera umbrella this morning these are my perfect sort of camps where it Chucks 
down at the night and in the morning it's bone dry   and sunny because I tell you when I when I went 
out there to fix that stick sorry for the ass shot when I went out there to 
fix that stick it was grim this top sheds water so well some pine needles on it though Okay so let's get Bruce's breakfast done because 
I know he's starving because we slept in oh right we see hold on hold on be 
patient sit sit good boy just wait um okay going in ah okay and I 
have got to get a coffee on and get my breakfast going so let's get the coffee on first man I can't believe how stunning the morning is okay let's try not to have any mishaps 
this morning you know what I need to do is   with these cans is just lift 
the table up so it's level oh   because that's why it felt 
last night when I was cooking so it might behave a bit better this time 
okay an observation about this Cheapo burner alcohol burner is it burns way too fast way too fast ah now what have I done with my lighter hmm oh I can't remember where I've put it that's not good I usually keep it in my ouch pouch hmm what did you do with it last night Just Talk Amongst yourselves while I try and 
work out what on Earth I've done with my lighter and I have no idea what I've done with it ah I 
think I put it in my my rain jacket that's why yeah I did oh no I didn't okay I have no idea what I've done with my lighter now you see with my other chair I 
have pockets that I always put it in   okay so no lighter so I'm 
gonna have to use matches which I also keep in my Arch pouch I'm gonna 
find the lighter obviously I've just put it somewhere 
and I can't remember where and usually I have two lighters in my Arch pouch   but the gas just run out in one of 
them so I need to go and buy more okay so I might as well keep those out because I'm gonna need to do that again all right so just the one coffee just needs enough water for 
that there's no point putting too much water in   because then you're just wasting fuel oh that was a great evening I hope you all 
enjoyed that with the sound of the rain   because I really loved it man 
did it Chuck down at one point six now this morning I'm doing something different well actually it's not that 
different but I'm having pancakes oh there's my lighter I'm 
doing pancakes with maple syrup   obviously but I've got Jam as well and blueberries 
so it's sort of gourmet pancakes for me and these are buttermilk pancakes thank you yep nailed it okay now this doesn't take long to boil at all ah let me bring you in a bit closer yeah so last night I slept really 
well so well but yeah I slept in   but when the stick fell behind the 
tent I was like oh God do I get up but I knew if I didn't and actually 
it was a good job I did because in the   middle of the night and the reason 
that everything's suddenly so dry   pretty dry actually there's hardly any moisture 
on the top at all through the night we had some   massive gusts of wind come through really 
loud if you've never been in Forest before   when huge gusts of wind come through you hear them 
on the tops of the trees wow it was so loud yeah   and that's what straight everything off 
so I'm glad I secured it because the top   is Bulletproof the way it is I mean it can 
take a hell of a beating and it's so secure   um I could raise it up again 
now if I wanted to in fact   I could just peel it back all together if 
I wanted to but it's providing a nice shade   and there's still debris falling 
from these these trees down I can hear sizzling yep because 
I don't want it scalding hot so as I said this this fire Maple 
kettle it just boils so quickly all right now let me put that out and then I'm going to top it up with the rest   of my fuel so I've got just enough 
fuel I think to cook these pancakes but man this thing Burns through the the 
fuel fast much faster than the changer people ask if there's stuff for Bruce 
in my ouch pouch yeah there is actually   yep it's like doggy kit it's basic stuff 
there's also a uh what you call it um oh I can't think straight so uh strapping in case 
he he sprains his ankle or something and there's   blood clot material in there as well and needle of 
thread so I can stitch him up if he does something   really silly but you get dog medical kits they're 
pretty common here because people go pig hunting with their dogs they have 
what they call pig dogs here so that's quite common to have those and they 
carry with them all sorts of stuff no Bruce   nope don't want you near the plane I have to use 
a different sort of no to him oh and I've got   bacon and Bruce will have some bacon as well I'm going to Chuck all this on because it's streaky bacon and 
this goes turns into nothing   once it's uh all the fat rendered off it okay I've got blueberries and I've got Jam some raspberry jam for the pancake all right so take your spork   the Gerber tour you take your spatula you 
interlock them where is it uh what am I doing   so it's like that like that oh yeah you interlock 
them and they're your tongs pretty nifty huh and the set weighs absolutely nothing so it's a great idea all right and it comes with this I mean this 
thing's a bit of a bit stupid but it's a potato   peeler bottle opener a little knife like 
a parcel opening I think trouble is your   chances of losing this it's black and without 
it none of the pieces stick together properly   and you've got a spoon so 
you've got a spoon and a spork but no Cutting Edge yeah it's because they obviously don't 
want you putting Cutting Edge in your mouth   so they just couldn't think of it but spoon and a spork I would rather just have had a knife in here the serrated edge but you know what 
they're probably figuring is that   well I don't know what they were 
thinking they're probably thinking   you're only going to be having rehydrated 
meals but then why would you need tongs someone at Gerber just didn't really think it through 
and they've obviously invested in this   and that's the way they've left 
it that you don't need a knife a lot of these companies honestly you just you 
just wonder what on Earth were you thinking you've got it so close to perfect   and you wonder who they're using to Market 
who they're using to test these products who are these expert campers that they're using   say oh you don't need a knife I never 
use a knife everyone carries a knife that's not strictly true 
not everyone carries a knife and sometimes you don't want to use your 
your cutting knife your proper knife fuck I haven't bought a knife with me on this 
I've got my little folding Leatherman knife   tiny little thing which is very sharp 
I wouldn't use that for eating food   so yeah you just wonder what were you thinking and for those who are asking I'm still looking 
I'm still trying to work out how to get these   insulated titanium mugs and then get my logo 
on quite difficult because they are brilliant and you they sort of burn it on with a laser on 
the titanium so I'll work it out I'll persevere you know what I might do 
is if I get a load of them   rather than sell them as a merch maybe 
give them away to YouTube members   who have been on the channel for a certain 
period of time it's like if you've been a   member for say six months then get a mug for 
you know a year something like that we'll see I don't know how easy that is to do either and I'm   in New Zealand so shipping anywhere 
in the world is a bit of a nightmare stuff tends to go missing from New Zealand on 
route a shocking example of this is my son Brandon   he did the SATs Before Christmas you 
know to look at going into college   in the states and so you have to do SAT 
so they host them so they do them here   anyway we've been looking and looking waiting 
for the results and still hasn't shown up so   Anne my wife contacted the College Board in 
the states and they opened an investigation and then they replied a bit later 
we've we've searched and it appears   that that group to the same group that Brandon's 
was in the tracking number the package is lost   may be destroyed sorry here's a refund 
we suggest you set the SATs again well he can't now you can't the 
timing doesn't work he's not here   oh do you know how frustrating that is and you know what we didn't get any apology 
from New Zealand the people who hosted it we   paid we had to so Anne and brown had to drive four 
hours stay the night in Christchurch to do this   people had flown down from Auckland to do 
it and they've lost it I don't know if they   had a tracking number it doesn't look like they 
bothered looks like they just sent it normal post   can you believe that to save money 
they didn't do direct tracking Courier who does who who behaves like that with 
kids futures after all the work they've   done and then to nonchalantly go 
oh never mind just hit it again this and it's months you know this is what too 
much so it would be three four five months so   you'd have to study it all again to remember it to 
top it all up not acceptable it really isn't so if   there's anyone watching who knows anyone on the 
College Board that deals with this sort of stuff say to them it's not fair and that they deserve an assessment based on work 
done it's just it's just uh anyway there you go   that wasn't a rant that's just me 
disappointed in people who do their jobs it's a kind of a saying of 
mine is that oh just fire them   in banking we we honestly didn't have much 
tolerance for stupidity and people being   crap at their jobs because it could 
cost millions and I've seen it happen so there's a very low tolerance for any kinds 
of mistakes when you're in investment banking   very low you might get away with making 
a mistake once big mistake but never again and and to be honest 
if it's a big mistake I don't even   think you'd get away with it once that 
would be the end of your job your career okay this bacon is sizzling away nicely   as much as I love this pan it's too thick it's 
too thick as a camping pan and yet it's designed   as a camping pan but it's I think it was actually 
designed to be used on gas burner high BTU burner   it doesn't work very well on anything else alcohol 
whatever it just doesn't get up to temperature   quickly enough so you end up using a load of 
fuel but the transure patterns are just too too small basically so I'm still on the hunt for a 
camping pan I mean this thing weighs a ton as well   I'm still on the hunt for a camping pan with a 
foldable handle that's lightweight thin aluminum   yeah if anyone knows of one please let me know okay I'll bring you back when the bacon is 
done and we're ready to put the pancake on okay Bacon's ready and that just that used up such a lot of fuel oh that's not stable oh yum let me ditch some of this fat but keep enough to cook on okay so now I've 
got to Top This up yet again with the last   of what I've got I had to improvise 
and make and use my um foil again just because it was really not cooking properly I think this is the boundless voyage 
stove honestly don't bother with it   it's it's it's just cups it burns 
through the fuel way too fast for   the heat that it's giving out and 
it's just not giving out enough Heat okay let's get the pancake on I'd say   the transa is a much better deal 
also don't go with a heavy pan okay now I'm not that hungry this morning not 
as hungry as usual I've got so much bacon   I'm going with a smaller pancake oh let's get some of these blueberries in here how many to put in has anyone seen that film 
casino with Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci the order is a blueberry muffin and got angry 
that the blueberries weren't even in all of   the muffins because mates muffin didn't have 
enough blueberries in so he called the chef   and he said I want every I want every muffin 
to have the exact equal amount of blueberries okay so let's put some in here I'm 
not going to say his name because   then he'll come running over for it straight away foreign a little bed I can't really show it to you because he'll he'll 
move the second I do that like he knows anyway um he's down in the ferns oh it's beautiful this shouldn't take long and hopefully we can do the flip you see Brucey 
looking at the Shadows what are you doing down   there Brucie you see he's made himself a 
little bed look at that he's dug it all out   that's where he was lying last night while we 
were chit chatting that's what he was doing   well that's enough he knows he's on 
film and he's cool but he loves Shadows anyway now this is your bacon Bruce 
but you're gonna have to wait no wind up Brucey okay where are we at with this and we near a flip we're near we are near oh I hope I've got enough fuel to finish this   now the wind's picked up it's carrying 
the heat away from the pan we will see I don't have enough fuel for 
another copy though oh well one and done okay I think I can risk a flip oh no I can't oh this stupid pan it's so thick I don't know why I persevere with this 
pound I really don't just because it's   got a folding handle and it's big what is 
it it's the GSI look don't get me wrong   if you've got if you're camping and you're using 
like one of those gas butane cookers that I use   usually when I'm car camping hey great pan 
solid it's pretty much non-stick it's got   a great coating can handle anything and I've had 
this thing I've had this thing on the top of the   mountain cooking a rack of lamb in it on a fire 
it's brilliant for heavy duty stuff but it's heavy and it uses a lot you need a lot of heat 
source to get this thing working properly   so it's just it's just such a vast space to eat 
so much surface area and it's such a thick pan   so yeah the GSI camping pan I recommend it for 
camping when you've got unlimited Fuel and you've   got a butane burner but not alcohol stirred stoves 
it just doesn't work and I've tried to use this on   the transa doesn't work either it fits but it 
just doesn't get up to temperature it takes so   long that it's just not worth it but yeah I think 
it's a GSI so if you're camping with butane go for   it okay that's got to be flip time yeah because 
the blueberries are starting to burst here we go oh no oh did I get it I got 
it I got it I rescued it did I   just gonna flip this bit over a bit come on sort of oh don't be sure yes I've saved it I saved it oh it doesn't quite Bruce what are 
you doing over there that doesn't   quite warrant a great success but 
or nailed it but I did Rescue It oh and it it smells fantastic now it's sizzling away nicely listen to that so how come the pan is suddenly what can the 
heat is suddenly working so well I don't know   I just can't get my head around this boundless 
voice because I don't think I'll use this again   it was a kind of cool Contraption I took it up to 
the tops last time as well and it was so unstable   I had to use it on this titanium Pam I think 
I'm going to switch back to using my tranja the full thing because it's windproof it's very 
very stable it's light it's just it's just bulky   in your pack you know which is kind of irritating 
it takes up that much space versus that much space   um but I'm switching back to the tarantia 
I've decided it's it's a good product okay so while this is still hot what I 
might do is pour my maple syrup on now so that gets hot too and put my jam on as well because I 
don't want that going on there cold sucking all the heat out so 
while I've got some heat coming   up through the pancake I'm gonna heat that jam up so everything goes into my plate hot I think we're good to go so this is going to look 
a bit of a mess now that I've done this in fact what I'm going to do is 
I'm going to fold the pancake over tongues to the rescue again oh my god I've got to 
remember how you do this yeah so let's fold the   pancake over without spilling it all over myself 
I might have enough fuel to boil another water nope I blew it blew it I messed it 
up oh no I've turned it into mulch have I no actually you know what there's a 
semblance of a pancake there just slightly okay this is not the most attractive 
thing I've ever made but then anyone   who's used to my channel knows this let 
me show you what this looks like oh gosh sat in Focus so what we got is a beautiful 
pancake with strawberry jam maple syrup   and bacon and lashings of maple syrup I 
should say it's still going to taste Epic okay Bruce do you want your bacon Bruce what's 
this what's over here what's that take your bacon   oh I know what you were doing over there you 
were looking for that bacon fat cheeky cheeky boy   okay let's do this am I in 
focus yep I am okay all right a bit of jam bit of Pancakes 
hmm or the jam it's hot wow hmm heat your jam up definitely maybe heat your jam up in the microwave if you're 
doing this at home and your maple syrup and then   put it all on top of the pancake once it's on 
your plate rather than do it all in the pan now what I want to do is see if I can boil another kettle of water put that there for a sec all right mind out 
Bruce go away don't you knocking this all over I have the time to go away because his tail when 
he turns oh God you know dogs in their tails okay just enough for one coffee 
let's see if this works foreign I'm not holding out much hope but it would be nice to get 
one more out of that fuel oh yeah if worse came to worst I do 
have more fuel in the car   in the truck and that's just 
park 10 minutes down there but as you saw from that from the hill yesterday I will Bruce leave the fat leave it enough you'll be sick cheeky hmm lay down you've had enough 
Bruce you're such a greedy gut and lie down you probably need some water 
now that you've done all that Lucy do you want water do you want so salty bacon yeah well it does hmm the jam I've got that idea from a friend Xi'an in London she said 
that they put jam on their waffles   in Norway Norwegian waffles and 
they do a different type of waffle and it really is nice I guess the French use Jam as well in the crates a bit in America I don't know it's usually 
just maple syrup and you put butter on   I'm not a big fan of butter on 
pancakes to be honest all waffles   it's never I don't know why 
just doesn't do anything for me oh this is so good oh still burning we'll see if it gets hot I have a lot more confidence in this 
because of the heat exchanger you know what   jet ball jetboil do a frying pan I think with a 
heat exchanger on the bottom of it I think they   do that's what I need to find I need to find 
but it's got to be big big enough to fit two   burgers not these piddly little things like these 
little steaks you see no no I want big he said so I need to find that and a heat 
exchanger would make a lot of sense so if anyone knows about a decent sized 
frying pan with a heat exchanger on it   for camping then I'm all for it I'd order that thing in a heartbeat 
as usual I order absolutely everything   hardly anything is sent or given to me 
because I don't want to give a biased opinion it's boiling it did it wow way to go heat exchange a kettle it's official 
this is the best Kettle I've ever had   way better I've got two 
different size Challenger kettles and they're very light as well but 
they're just normal and this thing   this fire Maple Kettle autumn I'll 
put a link to it I got it on Amazon get this kettle it is so fast it saves you 
so much fuel it's not that heavy at all   there are some things I don't like about it that 
they probably need to adjust I might write to them   just say look why don't you change this change 
this got this stupid flipping flap thing here on   the lid is pointless just put a solid one up and 
make the lid so it actually sticks in properly   I've had to stick some tape on it to hold 
it there so it doesn't fall when you do that and maybe move the spout down a little bit but in terms of Fuel and speed oh you see in winter when everything takes longer 
and the water is ice cold   that's going to be a godsend in winter 
because it's just going to boil so quickly yeah fire maple good product Heat exchangers all companies 
should use them but offer that option   so what it does is it increases the 
surface area that the flame touches by I don't know threefold 
something like that something crazy   and it traps that heat inside that little area 
and then as the heat escapes through the sides   it heats the heat exchangers that then transfer 
that heat straight up into the into the pan   that's why it Cooks everything boils 
and cooked so quickly on those things hmm food leave it stop it you're gonna 
make yourself sick come on Bruce go on away good boy don't go back there good boy um that was very successful really was   how much fuel have I got left there's a tiny bit 
left at the bottom it's probably enough in there   to cook another one of these kettles but it is 
Tiny and that's the other thing is you can't   store fuel in this boundless voyage titanium 
cooker because it doesn't have a sealable lid titanium is a great conductor 
it gets cold really quickly just it just burns too hot too fast and uses it 
all up see I can hold that already if this was the   um transaction then I couldn't do that because 
it's brass but I don't know what the problem   with it is why it's burning why it's giving off so 
much flame and using up so much fuel compared to   the transo I guess what it is is these outer holes 
as well as these inner that's just wrong I can see   why they've done it because they thought oh cook 
quicker but no you're just wasting a ton of fuel   um for no reason you want it to 
burn longer not short and sharp   so they've just put all these holes 
around the outside that don't add up   the holes on the inside is all you 
need and you you get it to bloom   this just is overkill and there's no 
way there's no screw you can't screw   a lid on like you can with the transa so 
it's it's a funny little package it's okay I can't really recommend it it's too unstable   that platform is Tiny these 
three legs that's just not enough   so it really wants to fall over all the time when 
you put anything on it see three is not right   it says it's also a little twig stove you 
couldn't fit anything in that maybe a few   tiny Twigs but then what's the point 
you'd be trying to feed it constantly   so I thought I really liked it at first but 
then it's just become a bit of a pain to use   I've got another one that does the 
same thing that's way more stable and more simple and windproof so that one boundless voyage mini 
stove I'd say is a bit of a fail   it's just too finicky too much messing around this I don't think is any use fail on that just not worth the money I've got an aluminum one that's just 
way more simple in fact lighter than   this or same weight maybe but way more 
stable and you just put your transa in it   Transit burner I think is still the best in fact 
I've seen videos where they've done side-by-side   comparisons on boil times and the transa always 
comes out right near the top so for what it is   how rugged it is and the fact you've got a simmer 
ring with it and you can store fuel in it which   is crucial being able to put the lid on and 
store the fuel in it um it's a better product   see now I've got to pour this fuel back out or 
just Burn It Off maybe I'll just turn that off because it's a tiny tiny drop right that breakfast was a huge success uh you can't see the flame but it is lit it's a tiny tiny bit of Meth at the bottom okay now what I might do everyone is because 
it's such a beautiful morning take you up to   the top of this hill which is five minutes 
up here take my coffee there's a little Hut   that my neighbors built up here stand on there 
and look at this View and you won't believe it so let's do that so we're gonna go up the 
hill there's camp look at that awesome you   can see the stick at the back there and this is 
where we're going up there it's pretty vertical but it's worth it for the view and I got my coffee and I'm on tiptoe this is my uh one of my areas 
that I hike in all the time   but it is steep okay bring it 
back at the top oh that was steep okay almost there you won't believe this View okay so my neighbors built this 
little Hut a few years ago but they've never stayed in it maybe I should come in there and they've not maintained 
it at all it was clearing I hope it's not so overgrown 
you can't see The View look at this that there is the Marlborough 
sounds in all its Glory how beautiful is that I'm very lucky 
very blessed very lucky to camp in such   beautiful places like this and New Zealand is 
spectacularly beautiful if you're coming to New   Zealand and you want to see one of the most 
beautiful parts of it it's the marble sounds absolutely stunning surrounded by Hills 
look at all the cobwebs on the cabin   I don't know yeah and they've never used 
it seems a shame it's a great little thing   perfect for coffees stuff 
like that you've never seen yeah Harbor sounds one last look 
before we go back to camp spectacular I hope you'll like that actually you 
know what I might have my coffee here I might sit here I can't sit on the edge of 
the deck but I can sit here   and just have my coffee looking 
at that and then bring you back what do you think Brucie 
should we have our coffee here yeah you love it up here thank you yeah I'm 
gonna do that so I'll bring you back at camp so I've camped in this spot loads of times I've 
camped here on this spot here but a huge storm   came through like massive storm see all the debris 
all the branches down these widowmakers well   a lot of these trees are dead these Pines 
you can see the snap they've got no leaves on   like these two here these are dead so anything could happen if you were 
camping here and I just looked up and   looked at that massive Branch up 
there that snaps off the top off   the top of a tree I don't know if 
you can make it out lengthways there   that is resting on some branches I mean one 
huge gust of wind and that thing's gonna fall so just you know sometimes not safe to camp 
near Pines um and if they're dead Pines then   no you don't want to be anywhere near them 
like these the tops will just snap and fall   like no these are all snapped so that's the top of   this massive one here it's not fallen 
and that's all of the debris spread out see we're here so imagine 
if that landed on your tent   it could pancake you it's not 
just that look at this one here that's fallen off the top this thing so this 
isn't growing out of the ground this huge huge piece here huge there's snap off the top 
up there Fallen straight down I mean that would   kill you that's solid how thick is it I mean 
that's so heavy that's not gonna anyway but if   that landed on your tent you'd just be dead so 
we always check see there's more of them here it's a shame because I really liked this spot 
but since the trees have died it's too risky   you need to fill some of those you have to 
you'd have to chop down the jet the dead   trees before you can camp there again and 
it's safe but yeah the Pines are just dying   I don't know why I mean they're 
not native to New Zealand so certain conditions kill them off look 
how steep this is I don't know if the   camera is doing any justice but it's 
really easy this is a 45 degree angle   okay you know what I'm going to turn the camera 
off and bring it back at Camp because I'm   slipping all over the place come on all right 
we're at the bottom but that is steep up there   yeah so let me give you a close-up 
of what happened last night you see I checked before I came to and there's 
it's all living stuff and there's no big branches   above nothing like that and all these are alive 
and those to be healthy yes what happened this   this hole that I set up here just slipped and fell 
down so it wasn't taught Bruce come here I know   where you're going You're Going To My Pan leave 
it yeah but look at that setup isn't it awesome it was perfect everything drank all the 
water drained off the uh off the side here   but look how rigid the tarp 
is that's what you want   a nice basically stiff top that's 
you know what you're talking about all right everyone enough tarp talk 
I'll bring you back for packing up   all right welcome back everybody time to pack up   hello Brucey I know it's time to go home 
so as usual I will Fast Forward from now foreign to dismantle everything else I'll tell you what the uh the tart did a great job what a setup wasn't it Brucey so start with the pole someone just asked me I just saw a comment   how long are my guy lines I think 
I made them three meters long uh uh that's a meter yeah 
so yeah three meters long and I've found that that's been perfect 
for pretty much every situation um you might want to make them longer 
I don't know but you want to give   yourselves options so don't make them 
too short because you'll regret it also you can join them up as well so 
if you have enough of them and you need   to put in a really long guideline then 
yeah you can just join them all together which makes it a very flexible system and 
you don't need to know anything about knots   to do it either foreign the pole is a win I'm telling you so this is a 
green elephant two and a half meter tall Pole   it weighs I don't know what 400 grams 
maybe 500 grams but it's worth it because   it just gives you options when you get 
to Camp that you wouldn't have otherwise foreign and with one pole as you'll 
have seen on my last video   on my last video I just have that one pole and I 
didn't have I didn't tie off to any trees at all I just staked it into the ground 
instead yeah and with that one pole I managed to have a proper tarp set up I used the 
strength of the tent really to hold the top at the   back in place and just used a couple of guys 
and pegged it down so I proved that it worked so for all those who camping conditions where there's no trees yep it works also you don't 
have to worry about the the wind   so much because you'll see in that video it was 
very windy so that would be the video before this   it was very windy and did not budge at all 
because when you use two guys on the pole   very very solid and if you 
put them at 45 degree angles to the pole it's yeah perfect I mean I'm lucky I camp in a lot of places 
with trees but I think in Winter Maybe where I want to go where there 
is snow I actually might start   just taking the pole so I don't have to secure 
the front also because I'm doing YouTube   uh it's different to normal camping 
because for YouTube I'm trying to   get the camera to have a good shot good view of me   and the camp so I have to think about those things 
you don't have to think about those when you're   just doing normal camping and you're not filming 
it for YouTube so it's a lot more technical   more consideration goes into camping on YouTube 
than it does normally because I see people get   criticized saying oh I wouldn't have done that in 
account but why'd you put the tarp that way that's   the stupid way and you should have yourself 
completely covered and people just don't get   it but it's for YouTube it's so that you can 
watch otherwise it would look really rubbish people are very quick to criticize but 
they're just not intelligent enough to   think it through why that person why that YouTuber   has done that it's so that you get a 
decent View and a decent shot of camp you know it's not necessarily 
an instructional video and people who want to learn how to do 
YouTube they learn from watching these as well thousands of people are trying 
to become YouTubers all the time I wonder how many camping channels there are now must be hundreds hundreds or maybe there's a thousand or 
so I don't know there's a lot and as I said in my last video unfortunately there's a lot of crap ones as well that are just   coming out of Asia that are 
just basically soft porn really awful awful videos to watch and they're doing it just to get the 
the clicks the views and make the money   and they're using semi-naked girls 
on the thumbnail and in the video   to get that and YouTube's doing nothing 
about it I guess they think that's fine but when those things make more money 
then genuinely good camping videos   you know some people out there 
are producing great content   it's it's just horrible to think so 
that's what Society has come down to now okay now it's all still a bit damp in here until Bruce's fault so I've got to take it home dry it out anyway everything gets oh there's my lamp foreign stuff to test I think that arrives this week so yeah 
I I take everything apart when I get   home everything comes out and everything dries windy days are the best for drying gear out 
not direct sunlight all you need are windy days okay now the beauty of this tent one of the beaches of this tent that 
makes it easier to dismantle you can   move the poles together I'll show you what I 
mean so yeah this is the hillberg Nyack niac so you pick it up and flick and the 
whole thing comes together like that   pretty cool huh how easy is that 
so I can assure you in winter when   you're dealing with poles with tents that 
have clips instead of sleeves nightmare   they freeze oh it's horrible to take apart this 
thing is so quick to take apart I've seen hardly   any reviews on YouTube of this tent than the 
ACT I don't know why it's a brilliant tent again this might be my go-to tent from now 
on unless I know conditions are going to be heavy snow because it's not meant for snow 
conditions because snow blows into any crack any crack it's incredible if you've 
got even the slightest Gap   under your door or anything like 
that then snow will blow in there so true Four Season tense go 
right down to the ground right now   and some even have flaps on 
them to load up with snow   which is all well and good but if you're those 
tents are then a nightmare when there isn't   snow because those flaps at the bottom flap 
around and make a lot of noise in the Wind so any tent from hilleberg that is the category 
of red or black is designed to be used in the snow   and this is a yellow so it can it's not recommended for snow because 
of the gaps at the bottom for ventilation all right I'm going to throw all this in   popular on the GoPro got to pack that up and 
I'll bring you straight back right all sorted   all packed up that's a big pack put a lot 
of stuff on there all right site is clear we're all good right so we'll say our goodbyes 
from me and Brucey thank you everyone for coming   again thanks to everyone who's 
bought us treats on buy me a coffee   whose YouTube members thank you so much and who 
am I missing Brucey everyone who's bought merch   thank you so much as well he's desperate to get 
home and run back um and all the super thanks and   everybody else and everyone who subscribes to the 
channel click subscribe and everyone who likes the   video thank you so much please click like um a lot 
of people watch the video love it and then forget   to actually click the like button so again please 
click the like button Bruce leave the Bumblebee   alone Bruce come here you're gonna get stung all 
right everyone and on that note thanks so much for   coming remember to sign up to the mailing list uh 
for the meet and greet and to uh get notification   on new videos and we will catch you next time 
on a b camping thanks for coming everyone bye

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